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Kota Bharu, Kelantan
+6019 945 0974

Waqafpreneur – QuranMind

RM100 of RM200,000 raised
Personal Info

Donation Total: RM10.00

A Quranic Solution Platform is a digital or online platform that provides solutions and guidance based on the Quran, which is the holy book of Islam. Such a platform typically offers a wide range of resources, including Quranic interpretations (tafsir), articles, videos, and other materials aimed at helping individuals and communities address various aspects of life using the teachings and principles found in the Quran.

The platform may focus on providing answers and insights related to personal development, ethics, morality, spirituality, family life, social issues, and more, all based on Quranic verses and teachings. These platforms aim to serve as a valuable resource for Muslims and individuals interested in learning about and applying Quranic wisdom to their everyday lives.

Key Features

Access to Quranic Texts: Providing access to the Quranic text in different languages and translations.

Tafsir and Interpretations: Offering explanations and interpretations of Quranic verses by scholars.

Articles and Guidance: Providing articles, blogs, and guidance on how to apply Quranic teachings in various life situations.

Video and Audio Content: Sharing video lectures, sermons, and audio recordings related to Quranic topics.

Interactive Forums: Creating spaces for discussion, questions, and answers related to Quranic matters.

Community Building: Fostering a community of individuals interested in Quranic study and application.

Multilingual Support: Offering content in multiple languages to reach a diverse audience.

Search and Navigation Tools: Providing user-friendly search and navigation features to find relevant content easily.

User Engagement: Encouraging user engagement through feedback, comments, and sharing.

Privacy and Security: Ensuring the privacy and security of user data and interactions


In summary, a Quranic Solution Platform is an online resource designed to help people access Quranic knowledge, gain insights from Quranic teachings, and apply them to address various challenges and aspects of their lives in a trustworthy and reliable manner.